2017 December Newsletter


NEW Webinar Training

VanMark.Life introduces a NEW Webinar training program for agents and advisors to learn the skills they need faster in order to accomplish the success they aspire to achieve.

Below is an excerpt from Van Mueller’s Dec newsletter explaining how this new process will be changing insurance agents and their clients lives for the better.

Van-sliderIt has always been my dream to present ongoing training for agents and advisers. I have tried to do that with CD‟s and a monthly newsletter, articles and speeches. I have worked hard to provide current and easily usable ideas that would help agents get more appointments and when they got those appointments, do a better job of understanding what the prospect or client was trying to achieve. I felt this was important not only financially, but intellectually, emotionally and even spiritually. Happiness is achieved by our prospects and clients when they are able to build financial and retirement certainty into their lives. I have always felt that when you got professional at this undertaking that you were doing much more than selling policies. You were providing the freedom for people to do the things they “wanted” to do rather than “had” to do in their lives. This freedom allows them to achieve happiness because they are not always worrying about financial concerns. The secret to success in our business is not study. The secrets to success in our business are practice, rehearsal and repetition. The agents that I had more access to learned the skills faster and achieved the success they aspired to. This was the part that I did not have an organized methodology for: It was more haphazard. Then I met two of the smartest people you could ever be around.

Mark Miletello; is an agent, manager and trainer of agents. He and his agents use many of the techniques we have shared and have achieved remarkable success. They have dramatically increased their production in an astoundingly short amount of time. He introduced me to Lance H. Johnson, who is a brilliant technology and website guru who has magnificent marketing skills. They asked if we could work together to provide a site for agents and agencies to learn how to build production quickly and efficiently. I would work with life, health, annuity and mutual fund agents and share ways to dramatically and quickly increase their appointments and their production. I also share ideas with property and casualty agents and their agencies that would increase their life, annuity and mutual fund production without harming their property and casualty business. We will share easy ways for property and casualty agents to go back through their entire books and get appointments for life insurance and annuities and mutual funds. This can all be accomplished rapidly and efficiently learning powerful and pertinent questions that are not adversarial and are done in a conversational manner. Prospects and clients do not feel pressured. They actually feel engaged because you are asking for their opinions about issues that really matter. This can be learned easily. Mark, who is a multi lines agent, will show how to market and build relationships that provides enough leads and revenue to build a successful agency quickly and efficiently. I will be talking about Mark more in future issues.

Finally, Lance Johnson has built sales software that will allow you to organize and efficiently use all your tools to build a powerful full service agency, I will be sharing more with you about Lance in future issues. Please go to www.vanmark.life and learn more about the small investment it will require for you to have access to the ongoing training, inspiration, sales ideas and tools you will need to build a successful practice and/or agency. There will be monthly webinars and podcasts. You will have access to the information you need as events occur, and you will have the support and guidance of people who have trained hundreds and maybe thousands of agents to achieve successful results in our industry. This is the greatest time ever to be an agent. This will help you to participate in that opportunity.

– Van Mueller